
May 31, 2001
12:27 p.m.

fat legs and my mom is dumb

I've been doing Tae-bo for the last month or so and even though I haven't lost any weight (note to self: stop eating McDonald's bucket o fries!), I thought maybe I was getting a little buffed up. Several times a day I gaze admiringly at my almost bulging biceps, almost in that they are covered by a frightening layer of scary jiggly arm fat. Anyways, last week my cutie pie baby brother (he's 5 and funny! He's got lots of stories about imaginary talking poo swimming around in toilets! I think weirdness is definitely genetic) came by to visit me and my sister. He took one look at my huge ham hock calfs and said "Wow! You must be strong because your legs are so big! Lemme kick them! *kick* Does that hurt? Wow you're strong!" So I took him aside and gently explained, "No Jordan, your kicks don't hurt because of the amazing shock absorption qualities of obesity."

On to my mom being dumb. Well, not dumb, just computer dumb. No wait. Yeah, dumb. Don't you hate it when your mom wakes you up early on weekends. So early that the sun hasn't even begun to set yet? So early that it's still a couple hours till prime time tv? Several instances of mom's dumbity: She wanted to go to a website so I told her to type the url in the little text box at the top then press enter. I come back half an hour later and she's still on the welcome page! Why? Every time she typed the url, instead of hitting enter she'd click on the home key! Argh. Or when she wants to erase stuff and I'm like "Hello! Click. Delete."

Haha. A couple days ago my dad picked me up from work and dropped me off at home. When he saw my mom he told her "Hello, don't you look sexy!" to which my mom replied "Asshole! I know you're making fun of me" Indeed, that's the fun of it.

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