mood: hungry... so... hungry
music: oscar meyer weiner song
www: i had to look up debilitating

September 18, 2003
1:06 p.m.

i'm hypoglycemic -- now gimme that chicken wing!

The other day at school my friend Kristal was talking about how she has to eat every other hour or so because she has problems with low blood sugar. So I was like, "Hmmm, hypoglycemic, eh? Me too! That sounds like fun!"

Being hypoglycemic is a serious issue. I woke up bright and early today at 10am, and even though I wasn't hungry, I had to force myself to eat. My tummy was like "No Amber! Please don't feed us! We're not hungry!" but my blood was like "FEED ME SEYMOUR AMBER!" So I made the ultimate sacrifice and ate a steak fajita for breakfast. Then my tummy was like "No more! This is torture, pure torture!" and my blood responded with "I'M THIRSTY!" I had no choice. I had to drink the Snapple. Finally, my blood sugar levels were back to normal.

So about an hour later, I'm sitting on the couch watching an episode of Ricki Lake entitled "Is your man gay or straight?!", er... I mean doing my HVAC homework, when I thought I heard a faint whisper. "aaaaamber.... aaamber...." Then it slowly got louder "feeed me... Feed Me... FEED ME!" So I ate some stale Tostitos.

Sigh, people don't understand that hypoglycemia is a debilitating condition. I have to struggle with it every waking hour. Sometimes I think life is not worth living... except for that taste of heaven called a Twinkie.

*sob* I must go. The kitchen calls. *shudder*

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