
November 12, 2000
2:52:44 pm

hot like a spicy hot wing only milder

I'm having a fantastic hair day. Right now it's at that precarious perfect state where it's not straight out of the shower post blow-dried mega afro frizz central and it's not so oil slicked you could fry a marinated steak on my scalp if indeed my scalp could reach such high temperatures. But I'm sure I don't have enough brain power to generate that kind of heat. But apart from the hair, i'm looking quite bleh as usual. And I slightly smell like saliva. Or I may be imagining it. But that's okay, because it's boyfriend saliva, who, btw, is hot like a spicy hot wing, but unlike my hair, which is milder, he is extra hotttt with four t's he's so cute.

Oooh, my birthday's coming up on November 23. Damn I'm getting old... It'll be my 21st. It sucks how during the year when there are no present bearing holiday's anywhere nearby, you see so many things you lust to own, yet when it's grand opportunity seizing present time, you can never think of what to ask for. A few things on my list of lustful lusty hot sexy sexy wants: electronic gadgets, tools, a toolbox, liposuction, sneakers, money, CD's, a duffel coat, good grades, a co-op job, and my very own sea monkeys to love and cherish forever and ever until they die or I get sick of them. And from you 4 internet folk out there who accidentally stumbled here and for some reason are still reading this monotonous rant, I want your pictures. If you send me your ugly or pretty mugshots, I'll put them up on my loneliness page so that whenever I'm lonely, I can load it up and be greeted by an array of faces that grin almost as if to say "Cheer up bucko! Don't be lonely! We're your pretend internet friends!"

So c'mon chums...

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