mood: all shopped out
music: er
www: erm

November 02, 2003
7:02 p.m.

halloween pictorial

I ended up going to a house party for halloween. It was okay. I didn't know too many people and my booze didn't make me drunk enough. Omg, and I know I'm gonna go to hell for this but... I saw this guy there from school who I used to always make fun of. I christened him "Dandruff Boy" b/c he always had huge chunks of scalp hanging out in his curly hair. Jibblies. So he's really ugly and he brought his girlfriend along, who happened to be cross-eyed. CROSS-EYED. Okay, I'm going to hell now.

Anyways, here's me as mario:

After the party, I made my b/f take me to the porn store, for fun!

And I took a picture of mario perusing the gay porn.

But luigi didn't have very much fun. I think he was embarrassed.

The end.

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