
January 23, 2000
3:41:35 am

campus bitches

A few days ago it snowed so I was all bundled up, like everyone else, on my way to math class. It was a bit slippery, so understandably the walking traffic was slow, but I noticed this girl in front of me was going at microslug speed. I looked at her and thought to myself, something's just not right. Then I realized what was nagging me... Amidst the black ice, fresh fallen slow, and melting slush, this stupid bitch decided to wear silver open-toed platform shoes! What the fuck is up with that? I'm sorry, I didn't know whoring season was year-round... God knows giving your professors blow-jobs while wearing galoshes is absolutely unacceptable. You've gotta dress the role! It took all my self-control to restrain myself from pushing her, face first, platform shoes and all, into the nearest mud puddle I could find. Oh well, there's always next time.

Another girl who pisses me off...During high school she used to brag about going to parties where there'd be five guys, a keg, and her skanky-ho self the only female present. I was certainly impressed. Yeah, so now she's transferred to my university after a couple years in college and in continuing her little high school tradition, has graduated from high-school skanky-ho to the residence skanky-ho. Apparently, when any guys comes a knocking, she greets him with both open door and open legs. I hope she gets genital warts. Sincerely.

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