mood: itchy
music: some super mario remix
www: making healthy food yummy

October 08, 2003
11:52 p.m.

brendan leonard and fanny packs

Oh em gee, my new most favouritest show of all time in the history of television is The Brendan Leonard Show. Thank god for Family Channel. My favourite guys are Brendan Leonard, Kevin Sheehan, and Michael Carney.

Damn my eyes are itchy. I petted my b/f's cat then rubbed my face. I am an idiot.

Today I was thinking about how much I want the fanny pack to come back. We've seen the re-emergence of stuff from the 70's, the 80's, it's time for the early 90's! Fuck, seriously, someone make fanny packs cool again. Those things are so goddamn practical!

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